I Like Martin's ASoIaF, but...
As the first season of the HBO series based on George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series 1st book ( A Game of Thrones ) reaches it's climax, I've been re-reading the series in anticipation of the of the 5th book, A Dance with Dragons , set to be released in July. I just started the 4th book, A Feast for Crows , and, because I've read them one after another, have been struck--well, "jarred" is more like it--by the way Martin chose to open the 4th book with completely new POV characters in locales either only briefly visited (the Iron Islands) or never visited (Dorne). It was an interesting gamble and, so far, I have to agree with this blogger : I don't think it works. But in AFFC George has got us going on a sight-seeing trip all over the goshdanged place, from one "exotic" locale to another. We're reading stories about characters we've only just met and don't give a fig about, and the whole thing has gone from the tal...